travis' brain dump


LOL @ XKCD – i couldn’t have said it better myself…

by on Jan.12, 2011, under Humor

Dental Nerve

Anyone who knows me, knows I can’t stand Ke$ha’s music (particularly the song he’s making fun of) because it’s completely stupid. This post just made my morning…

Hard link to the comic is as follows:

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I’ve noticed a funny trend…

by on Jun.05, 2010, under General, Humor

You ever have one of those moments when you just have to giggle to yourself over something kinda funny?  You know, like one of those moments when you’re looking over communications logs on your servers and notice someone from has become a regular visitor to your blog? LOL ( is department of homeland security for those that don’t quite understand… if you need further details, feel free to visit their site)

Seriously… it’s one of those things that just makes your raise your eyebrow and think to yourself  ‘does someone think I’m a threat or are they just some individual who finds my technical posts helpful or my rants entertaining?’ With the regular visits monthly why don’t they just sign up and get subscribed to my posts so they can get full copies when I post up?

It certainly wouldn’t offend nor scare me to have a dhs member as a subscriber. lol 52 98 1.22 MB 03 Jun 2010 – 07:03 26 49 588.09 KB 05 May 2010 – 16:37

The first visit was on May 5th, then a month later almost to the day a visit with more content viewed. I must be getting more interesting or something. 🙂


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Computer games…

by on Feb.01, 2010, under Humor

One of my all time favorite quotes:

Computer games don’t affect kids, I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music.” – Marcus Brigstocke


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