travis' brain dump

Archive for May, 2017

SCVMM Error 12711

by on May.19, 2017, under General

So while working on some virtual machines in the clusters we’ve been upgrading I’ve run across this error a couple of times and I figured it merited a post as one of the errors thrown in the mix wasn’t easily found in any solution online. 

Primary Error Description: 

Error (12711)
VMM cannot complete the WMI operation on the server (CLUSTERNAME) because of an error: [MSCluster_ResourceGroup.Name=”12df9151-eb2a-46e7-8a3e-58ae746b8783″] Not found
Unknown error (0x1002)


Error (12711)
VMM cannot complete the WMI operation on the server (CLUSTERNAME) because of an error: [MSCluster_ResourceGroup.Name=”12df9151-eb2a-46e7-8a3e-58ae746b8783″] The cluster resource could not be found  
The cluster resource could not be found (0x138F)

0x138F can be resolved by running the following in the VMM powershell: 

Get-ClusterResource -c CLUSTER.FQDN |Where {$_.ResourceType.Name -eq ‘Virtual Machine Configuration’} | Update-ClusterVirtualMachineConfiguration

0x1002 may require a little more involved work. However, before we dig into that one, make sure it’s not just some WMI problem on the host holding the cluster resources. Go into Failover Cluster Manager, right-click the cluster, hit more-actions and move core cluster resources to any other host. If this clears it up, great. If not, continue forward. 

I’ve had some success with pulling the resource and re-registering it. To accomplish this, you’ll need to remove the cluster resource and bring it back in as an update won’t cut it.

From the Failover Cluster Manager, find the virtual machine in the Failover Cluster Manager. Right click the resource and remove the item. It won’t delete it, but will remove the resource from the cluster and return it to the host it’s running on as a regular VM.

Once removed, expand the cluster name, right-click ‘Roles’ and select ‘Configure Roles’. In the list presented, select ‘Virtual Machine’ and click ‘Next’. You should see the machine you just removed in the list. Select it and complete the process to bring the resource back into the cluster. From VMM you should now be able to right-click the machine and select ‘Repair’ and ‘Ignore’ to resolve the issue. 

This issue is provided as-is with no warranty and if you end up deleting your VM, you’re on you own. 🙂 

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MPIO on Nano Server

by on May.10, 2017, under Tech Stuff

After hunting around a little bit I found some great information on enabling and configuring MPIO on Nano Server. I figured, as always, I record down my thoughts here so I can reference them again later if needed and post it out publicly where it can be of some use to anyone wandering by. 

Useful Links: 

General information on MPIO from TechNet: Multpath I/O Overview

To enable MPIO on Nano Server, execute the following over your remote powershell session: 

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName MultiPathIO

Once enabled your SAN disks will be presented as duplicates (just as they are with MPIO under Windows Server), so you’ll need to execute additional powershell in order to claim or manage disks. 

Thankfully, Microsoft has published a script for this which can be downloaded from here: MPIO on NanoServer

It’s straight forward and works as designed, which feels odd sometimes when talking about Microsoft. 🙂 

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