travis' brain dump


DayZ SA – Moving configuration/profile files

by on Jan.25, 2014, under Gaming, General

Ok, so I ran into an issue with my settings in DayZ Stand Alone. It would seem that no matter how hard I tried, it just wouldn’t keep my settings. So this morning I spent some time figuring out just what was going on. While I don’t think this will apply to the majority of folks out there, it may be useful if you happen to want to move your files, for some odd reason. 🙂

DayZ SA stores it’s files in %USERNAME%DocumentsDayZ. If for some reason you can’t write there from the game you need to tell DayZ where to place these files. In my case, I have redirected folders so it forces the users on my network (read: family) to save files into a network share because I can’t stand keeping files locally. I’m a geek, leave me alone.

DayZ SA can be launched with many of the same command line options as Arma II so I figured I’d try a few out and here’s what I’ve come up with.

-profiles=D:SteamLibrarySteamAppsprofiles -nosplash -noPause

You can set these options via the Steam client by right-clicking DayZ in your Library and selecting ‘Properties’. From the general tab, select ‘Set Launch Options…’ and plugin what you’d like.

Obviously if you already have working profiles/config/etc you can just copy your data down there, otherwise if you’re having the same problem I was, you have no data to put there so let DayZ recreate it’s tree under there. Hope this helps someone. 🙂

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An addiction renewed…

by on Mar.30, 2009, under Gaming

I’m sure Andy will read this one over and over again while congratulating himself on how his patience and subtle hints over the past few months have encouraged this day. Enjoy it Deebs, you earned it. 🙂

So, for those that don’t know what I’m talking about, it would appear that I have been successfully roped back into playing Final Fantasy 11 (FFXI) again and Amanda has definitely sealed her fate as an addict. With an unprecedented string of sightings on Ramuh as of late, Smandy and Vortexx seem to have reestablished themselves within the world of Vana`diel.

I even heard the phrase come from Amanda’s mouth this morning on the way to work “If I get some time, I think I’ll level Summoner on my own during the day” … Don’t even start grinning to yourself Deebs, we’re still listed as ‘casual players’. I don’t think we’ll see the playtime counter going up in increments of days anytime soon. At least they’ve kicked up some of the content quality and there are more interesting things to get involved in out there. I honestly must stay I’ve enjoyed leveling lower rated jobs over the past couple of days than I had previously. Yay for Fields of Valor!

I can truly say there are probably better ways to “waste spare time” whenever I do get it, but in the end… I’m still amused that this still proves to be one of the most cost effective forms of alternate entertainment out there. It’s definitely better than a lot of other things I could be doing, that’s for sure.

Again, thanks Andy… *glare* hehe I’m glad our re-involvment keeps you entertained again. lol

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a little FFXI humor …

by on Mar.06, 2008, under Gaming, Humor

If you look at this and it makes no sense, it’s probably because you don’t play the game.

Sorry kids, it’s a game-geek inside joke. 🙂

(taken from

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guess who decided to drop into my moghouse?

by on Jan.28, 2008, under Gaming, General, Personal

Yep,  look who decided to drop into the game…

kill that bunny!

It’s Amanda! 🙂

So after a long discussion about how the game worked with Andy and I, Amanda caved and wanted to create a character. I guess that’s what I get for over justifying why I play the game huh, lol.  🙂

She did pretty good actually… I expected the learning curve to take a couple days but Andy is a great teacher and she’s well on her way to leveling like a pro.

Another convert I guess. *shrug* It’s not without it’s perks though, my moghouse isn’t quite as empty any longer. 😉

Anyway… it’s late and time for bed.

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