About Me
Welcome to my official blog site…
Hi there!
This is just a little information page for those of you who know, or may not know me.
Well, for those that don’t know me here’s the quick and dirty. 31 years worth of history to cram into a sentence… 😀 I was born in Augusta, GA and lived in the area for 18 years until I became the family nomad for about 4 years moving around quite a bit trying to find my place… Most of the time was spent in Seattle but I did bounce around to different locations looking for that perfect spot to call home. Naturally, during those travels one place stuck and I settled down in Colorado about 9 years ago.
I am definitely home…
When I’m not working or just hanging out, there is more than plenty to do here during any season so there’s never a dull moment. Most of the time outside of work I spend with my family or hanging out with the best friends (pretty much family) that anyone could ask for… Outside of that and sometimes mingled with… snowboarding during the winter and working on my cars or remodeling our house during the summer, it’s the perfect mix. I am married to an amazing woman named Amanda whom I could never live without. She is truly my better half. I am also the proud father of two children, an almost 7 yr old little girl and a tiny terror (boy) who is just over a year and a half old. 🙂
On the site you’ll find everything from pictures to things on my mind. Most of my blog stuff is really just random and not so random things on my mind. You will find everything from humor to rants about things that bug me to personal thoughts on things going on in my life… Nothing in particular and nothing too vague… If you find offense to anything I post you’re probably one of those personality types I’ve ranted about, I apologize for nothing but hope none the less you get over it and realize we’re all entitled to our own opinions and that’s what makes life great.
I think that about does it for the basic info, feel free to send me an e-mail with comments or if you’re an old friend who has found me. 🙂 I always love running into you guys!
I’m occasionally msn messenger or you can just email me: travis at sarbin dot net