travis' brain dump

when a vacation yields you finally fixing your blog

by on Oct.27, 2019, under General, Personal

Ok, so… anyone who has visited my site in the last year has probably tapped their fingers on the desk for more than a few moments waiting for content to load. Well, you weren’t the only one and I’m pretty sure that was one of the reasons why I didn’t update more content out here. It’s been just as much a pain for me, but I’ve lacked the time to actually dig into it and figure out what’s going on.

With my vacation ending today, I figured I’d do one more me thing before I return to work tomorrow… So with that, I’m pleased to say, the sites is working much cleaner now that I’ve slimmed down some of the plugins; removed outside sources from loading content to the blog; upgraded and tweaked php significantly and did some pretty neat stuff with the sql backend. In short, I believe became a victim of bloating my own blog and essentially shot myself in the foot because of it.

So… will I get to posting useful items anytime soon? I honestly don’t know. I’d like to think I will but given the last year and my work schedule working through a large merger, I really got burned out and didn’t want to do anything “personal” in the technology world. The sad part? I usually dump stuff here that I know I’ll forgot and I’ve forgotten quite a bit of the cool stuff I figured out over the last year because I didn’t dump it off here for reference later. It may work out, I’ll probably end up repeating some of this work as we prepare to do some similar activities in moving objects around our domain, in the cloud and into a dumpster, so we’ll see. 🙂

For now, one less thing to haunt me, lol.

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