travis' brain dump

2011 Bolder Boulder Results

by on May.30, 2011, under Fitness, Personal

Soo… I ran my third Bolder Boulder today and successfully shaved off another 11 minutes from last year and came in at 1:03:32! So in total from the first time I ran the race I’ve shaved off 17 minutes and 25 seconds. Next year I think I’ll break that one hour barrier and see just how far under I can go. I probably would have come really close to that one hour mark but I drank too much water before the race and  had to stop at bout the 6k mark and hit a roadside port-o-pottie, lol.

Here’s the results from today… not too impressive overall but I’m well pleased!

Running Activity 6.51 mi | RunKeeper.

overall place: 18472/49208
division: M32
division place: 323 out of 497
gender place: 11221 out of 22348

mile 1: 00:09:44.80
mile 2: 00:09:47.22
mile 3: 00:10:39.53
mile 4: 00:10:18.56
mile 5: 00:10:08.29
mile 6: 00:10:54.11
net time: 01:03:31.48
pace: 10:13 (based on net time)

Next stop… Tough Mudder Colorado… Just 25 days and counting!

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