travis' brain dump

Andy’s voicemail…

by on Feb.12, 2011, under Humor, Politics

LOL, so Andy calls me while he’s out driving and leaves me this voicemail:

“So over at like I-70 and Wadsworth, there’s a  guy, you know, protesting war blah blah blah whatever… His sign actually says, and I quote ‘ Half the government is run by Klingons, the other half byFerengi.’ I’m not even joking… Bye.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I love it it when Andy calls me with these random happenings he sees while out and about. He always finds the funny ones. The sad thing is, this guy’s sign kinda makes sense if you let you geek show a little and think about the implications of what he says. Great stuff Andy… keep it comin!

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